ATTKLING x Maskrosbarn

”Magic Happened” when Efva Attling and Göran Kling first met, and now they’re launching a unique jewellery collection for the HÖGDALEN. For every sold “Maskros pendant”, 250 kr is donated to the Swedish child rights organization Maskrosbarn – who supports children to parents with abuse or mental health problems.
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  2. AttKling x Maskrosbarn

“A couple of years ago, my nephew Love had such a cool ring on him,” says Efva Attling. “I asked who the designer was, it was Göran Kling. I remember thinking that this man has his very own design language. And quite recently, a friend told me that I had to check out Göran Kling's design – there he was again. We decided to meet, and magic happened”.

Göran Kling has quickly become one of Sweden's most talked-about jewellery designers, and his “chunky design” has been spotted on Swedish stars such as Peter Stormare and Silvana Imam but also international celebrities.

”Efva has always been a hero to me! ” Göran explains. ”She has broken all of the rules of how a Silversmith ”should” work, and done it so successfully that it has paved the way for the rest of us who wants to work with jewellery without being stuck in tradition and old ways of thinking. To get to do a project together with such a legendary designer as Efva has been amazing!”

What makes this collaboration extra special is that Göran has chosen to give 250 kr for every sold Maskros Pendant to the children's rights organization Maskrosbarn. “It is so fun to have an ATTKLING collaboration, and it really feels given to support Maskrosbarn. Here we go!" says Efva.

About Maskrosbarn

In Sweden, about 500,000 children have at least one parent who has abuse, is mentally ill, or is subject to violence. The children's law organization Maskrosbarn has since 2005 worked to improve the living conditions of children who grow up under such circumstances. This is done through education, lectures, youth centers, internet support, personal coaches, and camps during holidays and weekends.

Maskrosbarn also works hard trying to break the taboo on the subject and raise the issue of children's right to support and cooperation in society – because all children have the right to a safe upbringing!

The idea of the organization Maskrosbarn was born when Therése Eriksson and Denise Madsen met in high school. They dared to take the risk of telling each other what their family situations looked like. Both shared experiences of having parents with substance abuse and mental illness as well as feeling completely alone in it. Therefore, in 2005, Maskrosbarn was founded as a project work at school and Therése and Denise started lecturing.

They wanted to normalize the situation for children who lived in similar situations, to act as role models, and to show that they can actually feel good, even if their parents feel bad! Since then, they have fought to establish Maskrosbarn and create what today is Sweden's largest organization for young people growing up with parents who have an abuse, mental illness, or who are subject to violence.

Today, Maskrosbarn consists of about twenty-five employees and over 150 leaders, youth leaders, and volunteers. They have offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö but with several of its support programs, education and lectures they manage to reach young people throughout the country. Maskrosbarn provides long-term support to about 100 children per week through nine different support programs.

Through their impact work, Maskrosbarn meets approximately 7,000 adults each year who work with children. With 15 years of experience in child rights issues, the organization usually also participates in committee work and referral requests regarding questions and issues related to the target group and children's rights. Since 2020, Maskrosbarn has been part of the government's children's rights delegation.

Hero image

Their vision

All children and youngsters must be given the conditions to grow up to become prosperous individuals without the negative consequences of their upbringing. With support from Maskrosbarn, the children are given the conditions to break their social heritage and shape their own future.

– We are very happy and proud of the collaboration with the HÖGDALEN and Göran Kling. It means a lot to us that our target group is attracted wide attention and that the beautiful jewellery is sold for our benefit. Elin Hågeby Caicedo, General Secretary at Maskrosbarn.

Do you want to support Maskrosbarn?
Half a million children in Sweden have at least one parent who has abuse or suffers from mental illness. It’s extra tough for these kids on so many levels. Many leave primary school without grades to be able to start high school, and many develop their own mental ill-health. They also have a higher risk of being bullied and injuring themselves.

Maskrosbarn is doing a fantastic job of supporting these children, which is why we support their work. Alone is not strong. You can also contribute. Donate through Swish: 123 467 34 55.