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ART.NR: 13-100-00557
Ring in recycled sterling silver with a small moveble ring on top.
Shank: w 5.5 x h 2.4 mm. Décor: Ø 9.5 mm.
To find the right ring size, there are a few things to consider:
Use our size guide
Select a ring that fits the finger you intend to wear your ring on. Print our size guides and compare the ring’s inner diameter with the circles in the guide.
Use a ruler
Select a ring that fits the finger you intend to wear your ring on. Measure the inner diameter of your ring in millimeters (mm) using a ruler. The measured total number of millimeters is your size.
Please contact our Customer Care, if you need any help or have any questions.
“‘Won’t you wear my ring around your neck’ - sparkles just like Elvis sang.” - EFVA ATTLING